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Strathfoyle Nursery School, Strathfoyle, Derry/ Londonderry

Merry Christmas !

21st Dec 2023
To all of the wonderful boys and girls in Strathfoyle Nursery we would just like to say a big thank you and well done for all your hard work so far all the staff are so proud of how you all are getting on and we hope you have a wonderful Christmas break!

If possible we would like to ask parents to donate some unwanted items that might be left behind after Christmas day to Strathfoyle Nursery as a way to Reduce Reuse and Recycle this Christmas. 
Some items that could be donated are:

Gift bags,
Empty tins of sweets or biscuits, ( including inserts)
Empty perfume/aftershave boxes or bottles,
Empty tubes from sweets such as milky bar sweets, jelly tots etc.
Boxes for chocolates i.e. Toblerone, Ferrero Rocher.

and lastly we want to say a big THANK YOU! to all the parents and guardians for the overwhelming support so far! 

Merry Christmas and A very Happy New Year!

From all the staff team at Strathfoyle Nursery